Wolf Trap House Speed Dating

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Production information
ManufacturerTharHes Industries
Arc-Royal MechWorks
Production Year3052[1]
Model WLF-2
Cost 3,141,180 C-bills
Technical specifications
Mech typeInner SphereBattleMech
Mass35 tons
ChassisArc-Royal KH/3
ArmorDurallex Medium
EngineGM 210
Communications SystemO/P Com-22/H47
Targeting Tracking SystemDigital Scanlok 347
Heat Sinks 10 Double heat sinks
Speed97.2 km/h
  • 1x ER Large Laser
  • 4x Medium Lasers
BV (1.0) 903
BV (2.0) 1,061[2]
Wolf trap house speed dating online

This story happened in the far North. A man was going through a forest and he came across a huge #wolf. The man was frightened to death and he could not see. 161 Wolf Trap Ct, Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870. Sharae House and Jermain Clark. Read Full Summary. 23% Queen's Reputation Score is.

  • 3Variants


A light, rugged, and dependable design, the Wolfhound made its first appearance in 3028. Following the success of the Hatchetman designed in partnership with the Federated Suns, ArchonKatrina Steiner ordered TharHes Industries to produce a BattleMech to address a persistent problem of the Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces: hunting down and destroying the Panther and Jenner, swift light-weight 'Mechs of the Draconis Combine which had embarrassed the LCAF one too many times. The final design was a light 'Mech with an all-energy weapons payload effective at a variety of combat ranges, the maximum amount of armor for a 'Mech of its weight class, and the use of mostly standard components to keep costs down.[3][2][4]

Due to their fierce loyalty to House Steiner, the Kell Hounds were the first unit chosen to field test the Wolfhound in combat, followed shortly thereafter by Wolf's Dragoons. The design received its baptism of fire during the Fourth Succession War where it exceeded all expectations and performed brilliantly. This was especially true when the Wolfhound faced its intended targets, hitting the Jenner beyond its ability to return fire while closing the distance on the Panther to get within the minimum range of its primary weapon. With the successful end of the war the Federated Commonwealth ordered larger numbers of Wolfhounds to outfit its military and the design was used again during the War of 3039. Wolfhounds suffered far fewer casualties than other 'Mechs during that conflict and a mere handful fell into the hands of the Combine. While impressed with the 'Mech the Kuritans were too prideful to copy it themselves, instead using captured examples to help develop the Wolf Trap to specifically counter the 'Mech.[3][2]

Eventually Arc-Royal MechWorks was brought in to produce Wolfhounds under license from TharHes, and the recovery of Lostech thanks to the Helm Memory Core allowed for a more advanced variant to be produced to combat the Clan Invasion. Unfortunately the necessary retooling of TharHes' factories to produce the WLF-2 model, introduced in 3052, took too long before ComStar brought an end to the invasion with the Battle of Tukayyid. These newer Wolfhounds continued to be produced for both FedCom member states, although following the formal creation of the Lyran Alliance the TharHes factories began producing the newer WLF-3S model. This new variant was shipped only to units loyal to the Lyran state, and thus fought on the side of Katherine Steiner-Davion during the FedCom Civil War. During the Jihad the Word of Blake launched a devastating assault on Tharkad, effectively shutting down TharHes' Wolfhound factory line; in response Arc-Royal increased production and introduced the WLF-4 model to replace the losses suffered by allied forces fighting the Blakists.[2]

Weapons and Equipment[edit]

As a 'laser boat' the Wolfhound's very basic weapons array frees it from supply lines and allows for superior endurance during extended campaigns. The primary long-range weapon is a Cyclops XIIER Large Laser mounted in the right arm, which allows the Wolfhound to strike at ranges of nearly 600 meters. As secondary weapons for close combat, the Wolfhound is armed with four Defiance B3MMedium Lasers. Three of these are split between the right, center, and left torso, while the fourth is mounted in the center-rear in case any 'Mech tries to exploit this traditional blind spot.[3][2]

Ten double heat sinks allow for superior heat management, while seven and a half tons of armor provide excellent protection. While the majority of the components used in the Wolfhound are Lyran in origin, the use of a Full-Head Ejection System required the help of the Federated Suns. Countless MechWarrior lives have been saved thanks to this system's ability to operate in traditionally hostile environments.[3][2]


  • WLF-1
    The original Wolfhound model, produced from 3028 until the introduction of the WLF-2 variant. The pre-Helm Memory Core WLF-1's primary weapon is a standard Setanta Large Laser, making its striking distance shorter than that of the later model, while its ten standard heat sinks did not dissipate as much waste heat as the newer double heat sinks used on the WLF-2.[3][2] BV (1.0) = 736, BV (2.0) = 949[3]

Wolf Trap House Speed Dating Site

  • WLF-1A
    A common field refit employed by some MechWarriors, this model simply removes the rear mounted medium laser and adds an extra heat sink.[3] BV (2.0) = 967 [5]
  • WLF-1B
    Another common field refit, this model repositions the rear-firing medium laser to face forward.[3] BV (2.0) = 967 [6]
  • WLF-2H
    This is a production model of the WLF-2X described below, introduced in 3082. To ease production, the Actuator Enhancement System has been removed and replaced by an extra heat sink. The Reflective Armor has been replaced by the standard armor available anywhere in the Inner Sphere. The Heavy PPC retains the PPC Capacitor, and the XL Engine retains the Supercharger that allows for impressive speed boosts. A pair of ER Medium Lasers and an ER Small Laser round out the weapons. BV (2.0) = 1,511[7]
  • WLF-2X
    Developed by Arc-Royal MechWorks in the midst of the Jihad, the extensively modified WLF-2X variant utilizes experimental technology. Using an Endo Steel chassis and an extra-light engine to save weight, the 2X's main weapon is a right-arm mounted Heavy PPC enhanced by both a PPC Capacitor and an Actuator Enhancement System. The torso mounted weapons remain lasers - specifically, two ER Medium Lasers and a single ER Small Laser - while ten double heat sinks allow it to keep their increased thermal output in check. Enhanced defensive protection comes in the form of supercharger-enhanced speed and cosmetically styled Laser Reflective Armor. BV (2.0) = 2,017[8]

Wolf Trap House Speed Dating Videos

  • WLF-3M
    A post-Jihad field refit of the WLF-3S in use among the states of the former Free Worlds League, the 3M removes two double heat sinks and one half ton of armor to replace the ER PPC and ER Lasers with a right-arm mounted Light Gauss Rifle with a single ton of reloads[9]. BV (2.0) = 786[10]
  • WLF-3S
    The 3S variant, introduced in 3064, sacrifices some of the 'Mech's durability for an increase in firepower. The 'Mech is powered by a Light Fusion Engine which frees up space on the chassis for new equipment. The ER large laser has been removed and replaced with an ER PPC, extending its range even further. The medium lasers have been replaced with three forward facing ER medium lasers and a rear facing ER small laser. Finally, the chassis is now built using Endo Steel and the 'Mech has two additional double heat sinks to help handle the much heavier heat burden.[2] BV (1.0)= 944[11], BV (2.0)= 1,179[12]
  • WLF-4W
    The 4W is based on the WLF-2 model and is intended as a mid-range harasser. Introduced by Arc-Royal MechWorks in 3069 the 4W has an Endo Steel chassis and carries three Light PPCs mounted in the torsos, as well as an ER medium laser and an ER small laser in the right arm.[2]
  • WLF-4WA
    An electronic warfare variant of the WLF-4W model introduced in 3071, the 4WA retains the trio of torso mounted Fusigon Longtooth Light PPCs, but exchanges the arm-mounted lasers for a Guardian ECM Suite. BV (2.0) = 1,050 [13]
  • WLF-5
    A post-Jihad variant produced on Arc-Royal alongside the WLF-4W in 3079, the WLF-5 is built on an Endo Steel frame and is powered by the larger 245 rated XL Engine to increase its ground speed by 20 km/h, capable of almost 150 km/h in short bursts due to the inclusion of MASC. Replacing the armament of lasers with an array of PPCs; a right-arm mounted Hound's-tooth Snub-Nose PPC is supported by a pair of torso-mounted Defiance 1002 Light PPCs.[9] BV (2.0) = 1,290[14]
  • Wolfhound IIC
    Phelan Kell and his Wolfhound, nicknamed 'Grinner', were captured by the forces of Clan Wolf during Operation Revival. When Phelan was inducted into the Wolf Clan as a Warrior, KhanUlric Kerensky ordered his 'Mech be upgraded using Clan technology. BV (1.0) = 1,473, BV (2.0) = 1,579

Trap House Atlanta

Custom Variants[edit]

  • WLF-1 Allard
    Personal 'Mech of Daniel Allard, commander of the Kell Hounds mercenary unit. With close ties to Clan Wolf-in-Exile, this Wolfhound was built in 3062 using Clan technology. It includes a Clan extralight engine, twelve double heat sinks and Clan weaponry: an ER PPC in the right arm and three ER medium lasers split between the torso, while the rear-center torso mounts an ER small laser. All of these weapons are tied to a Targeting Computer for superior accuracy. BV (2.0) = 1,941[15]

Apocryphal Variants[edit]

Apocryphal Content Starts

The information after this notice comes from apocryphal sources; the canonicity of such information is uncertain.
Please view the reference page for information regarding their canonicity.

These variants were introduced in various apocryphal sources, and thus far have not appeared in any canonical media.

From MechWarrior Online:

Wolf Trap House Speed Dating Site

Trap house rapper
  • WLF-GR Grinner
    Rather than a mixtech or purely Clantech design, MechWarrior Online's version of Phelan Ward's Grinner is an entirely Inner Sphere technology replication of the main features of the Wolfhound IIC - an IS grade ER Large Laser in the right arm is supported by four forward facing standard Medium Lasers - two in the center torso and one in each side torso. Carrying a IS standard Endo Steel frame and just ten IS double heat sinks free up weight to also mount a Guardian ECM Suite.[16]

Related Battlemechs[edit]

  • Wolf Trap - The Draconis Combine designed the medium Wolftrap specifically to counter the Wolfhound. It shares the Wolfhound's movement profile, but is far more reliant on ammunition-consuming weapons.

Notable Pilots[edit]

Famous individuals in the BattleTech universe who piloted Wolfhounds include:

  • Daniel Allard, who received one of the prototypes in 3028 after the destruction of his Valkyrie in 3027. Originally a stock WLF-1 model, it was later upgraded to WLF-2 standard and finally with Clan-tech weapons salvaged from the Battle of Luthien. Allard continued to pilot his Wolfhound even after rising to overall command of the Kell Hounds up until his death on Graceland in 3069 during combat against Clan Jade Falcon.
  • Phelan Kell, son of Morgan Kell, also piloted a Wolfhound, which he named 'Grinner', after his dog, while serving with the Hounds until it was destroyed before his capture by Clan Wolf in 3049. After being dissected and studied by Clan scientists, when Phelan was granted full warrior status Khan Ulric Kerensky authorized the reconstruction of his Wolfhound to become the aforementioned Wolfhound IIC variant.
  • Kommandant Tamara Duke, officer of the Stormhammers piloted a Wolfhound during his battles against Clan Jade Falcon until his death in battle in Skye, in 3134.[17].

Design Quirks[edit]

The Wolfhound has the following Design Quirks:[18]

The WLF-2H Wolfhound variant is subject of the following Design Quirks:[7]


In German products the unit's proper name was perfectly translated to Wolfshund. The model code was left unchanged.


  • Original WLF-1 Wolfhound from Wolf's Dragoons

  • Wolfhound from TRO:3039

  • WLF-2 Wolfhound from TRO:3050

  • Wolfhound from TRO:3050 Upgrade

  • WLF-5 Wolfhound from Technical Readout: 3085

  • Experimental WLF-2X Wolfhound from XTRO:Mercs

  • WLF-2 Wolfhound from CityTech, Second Edition

  • WLF-1 Wolfhound from BattlePack: Fourth Succession War

  • WLF-1 Wolfhound in combat from CCG

  • Model of Wolfhound from MW4:Mercenaries

  • Model of Wolfhound from MWO

Wolf Trap House Speed Dating

This story happened in the far North. A man was going through a forest and he came across a huge #wolf. The man was frightened to death and he could not see. 161 Wolf Trap Ct, Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870. Sharae House and Jermain Clark. Read Full Summary. 23% Queen's Reputation Score is.

  • 3Variants


A light, rugged, and dependable design, the Wolfhound made its first appearance in 3028. Following the success of the Hatchetman designed in partnership with the Federated Suns, ArchonKatrina Steiner ordered TharHes Industries to produce a BattleMech to address a persistent problem of the Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces: hunting down and destroying the Panther and Jenner, swift light-weight 'Mechs of the Draconis Combine which had embarrassed the LCAF one too many times. The final design was a light 'Mech with an all-energy weapons payload effective at a variety of combat ranges, the maximum amount of armor for a 'Mech of its weight class, and the use of mostly standard components to keep costs down.[3][2][4]

Due to their fierce loyalty to House Steiner, the Kell Hounds were the first unit chosen to field test the Wolfhound in combat, followed shortly thereafter by Wolf's Dragoons. The design received its baptism of fire during the Fourth Succession War where it exceeded all expectations and performed brilliantly. This was especially true when the Wolfhound faced its intended targets, hitting the Jenner beyond its ability to return fire while closing the distance on the Panther to get within the minimum range of its primary weapon. With the successful end of the war the Federated Commonwealth ordered larger numbers of Wolfhounds to outfit its military and the design was used again during the War of 3039. Wolfhounds suffered far fewer casualties than other 'Mechs during that conflict and a mere handful fell into the hands of the Combine. While impressed with the 'Mech the Kuritans were too prideful to copy it themselves, instead using captured examples to help develop the Wolf Trap to specifically counter the 'Mech.[3][2]

Eventually Arc-Royal MechWorks was brought in to produce Wolfhounds under license from TharHes, and the recovery of Lostech thanks to the Helm Memory Core allowed for a more advanced variant to be produced to combat the Clan Invasion. Unfortunately the necessary retooling of TharHes' factories to produce the WLF-2 model, introduced in 3052, took too long before ComStar brought an end to the invasion with the Battle of Tukayyid. These newer Wolfhounds continued to be produced for both FedCom member states, although following the formal creation of the Lyran Alliance the TharHes factories began producing the newer WLF-3S model. This new variant was shipped only to units loyal to the Lyran state, and thus fought on the side of Katherine Steiner-Davion during the FedCom Civil War. During the Jihad the Word of Blake launched a devastating assault on Tharkad, effectively shutting down TharHes' Wolfhound factory line; in response Arc-Royal increased production and introduced the WLF-4 model to replace the losses suffered by allied forces fighting the Blakists.[2]

Weapons and Equipment[edit]

As a 'laser boat' the Wolfhound's very basic weapons array frees it from supply lines and allows for superior endurance during extended campaigns. The primary long-range weapon is a Cyclops XIIER Large Laser mounted in the right arm, which allows the Wolfhound to strike at ranges of nearly 600 meters. As secondary weapons for close combat, the Wolfhound is armed with four Defiance B3MMedium Lasers. Three of these are split between the right, center, and left torso, while the fourth is mounted in the center-rear in case any 'Mech tries to exploit this traditional blind spot.[3][2]

Ten double heat sinks allow for superior heat management, while seven and a half tons of armor provide excellent protection. While the majority of the components used in the Wolfhound are Lyran in origin, the use of a Full-Head Ejection System required the help of the Federated Suns. Countless MechWarrior lives have been saved thanks to this system's ability to operate in traditionally hostile environments.[3][2]


  • WLF-1
    The original Wolfhound model, produced from 3028 until the introduction of the WLF-2 variant. The pre-Helm Memory Core WLF-1's primary weapon is a standard Setanta Large Laser, making its striking distance shorter than that of the later model, while its ten standard heat sinks did not dissipate as much waste heat as the newer double heat sinks used on the WLF-2.[3][2] BV (1.0) = 736, BV (2.0) = 949[3]

Wolf Trap House Speed Dating Site

  • WLF-1A
    A common field refit employed by some MechWarriors, this model simply removes the rear mounted medium laser and adds an extra heat sink.[3] BV (2.0) = 967 [5]
  • WLF-1B
    Another common field refit, this model repositions the rear-firing medium laser to face forward.[3] BV (2.0) = 967 [6]
  • WLF-2H
    This is a production model of the WLF-2X described below, introduced in 3082. To ease production, the Actuator Enhancement System has been removed and replaced by an extra heat sink. The Reflective Armor has been replaced by the standard armor available anywhere in the Inner Sphere. The Heavy PPC retains the PPC Capacitor, and the XL Engine retains the Supercharger that allows for impressive speed boosts. A pair of ER Medium Lasers and an ER Small Laser round out the weapons. BV (2.0) = 1,511[7]
  • WLF-2X
    Developed by Arc-Royal MechWorks in the midst of the Jihad, the extensively modified WLF-2X variant utilizes experimental technology. Using an Endo Steel chassis and an extra-light engine to save weight, the 2X's main weapon is a right-arm mounted Heavy PPC enhanced by both a PPC Capacitor and an Actuator Enhancement System. The torso mounted weapons remain lasers - specifically, two ER Medium Lasers and a single ER Small Laser - while ten double heat sinks allow it to keep their increased thermal output in check. Enhanced defensive protection comes in the form of supercharger-enhanced speed and cosmetically styled Laser Reflective Armor. BV (2.0) = 2,017[8]

Wolf Trap House Speed Dating Videos

  • WLF-3M
    A post-Jihad field refit of the WLF-3S in use among the states of the former Free Worlds League, the 3M removes two double heat sinks and one half ton of armor to replace the ER PPC and ER Lasers with a right-arm mounted Light Gauss Rifle with a single ton of reloads[9]. BV (2.0) = 786[10]
  • WLF-3S
    The 3S variant, introduced in 3064, sacrifices some of the 'Mech's durability for an increase in firepower. The 'Mech is powered by a Light Fusion Engine which frees up space on the chassis for new equipment. The ER large laser has been removed and replaced with an ER PPC, extending its range even further. The medium lasers have been replaced with three forward facing ER medium lasers and a rear facing ER small laser. Finally, the chassis is now built using Endo Steel and the 'Mech has two additional double heat sinks to help handle the much heavier heat burden.[2] BV (1.0)= 944[11], BV (2.0)= 1,179[12]
  • WLF-4W
    The 4W is based on the WLF-2 model and is intended as a mid-range harasser. Introduced by Arc-Royal MechWorks in 3069 the 4W has an Endo Steel chassis and carries three Light PPCs mounted in the torsos, as well as an ER medium laser and an ER small laser in the right arm.[2]
  • WLF-4WA
    An electronic warfare variant of the WLF-4W model introduced in 3071, the 4WA retains the trio of torso mounted Fusigon Longtooth Light PPCs, but exchanges the arm-mounted lasers for a Guardian ECM Suite. BV (2.0) = 1,050 [13]
  • WLF-5
    A post-Jihad variant produced on Arc-Royal alongside the WLF-4W in 3079, the WLF-5 is built on an Endo Steel frame and is powered by the larger 245 rated XL Engine to increase its ground speed by 20 km/h, capable of almost 150 km/h in short bursts due to the inclusion of MASC. Replacing the armament of lasers with an array of PPCs; a right-arm mounted Hound's-tooth Snub-Nose PPC is supported by a pair of torso-mounted Defiance 1002 Light PPCs.[9] BV (2.0) = 1,290[14]
  • Wolfhound IIC
    Phelan Kell and his Wolfhound, nicknamed 'Grinner', were captured by the forces of Clan Wolf during Operation Revival. When Phelan was inducted into the Wolf Clan as a Warrior, KhanUlric Kerensky ordered his 'Mech be upgraded using Clan technology. BV (1.0) = 1,473, BV (2.0) = 1,579

Trap House Atlanta

Custom Variants[edit]

  • WLF-1 Allard
    Personal 'Mech of Daniel Allard, commander of the Kell Hounds mercenary unit. With close ties to Clan Wolf-in-Exile, this Wolfhound was built in 3062 using Clan technology. It includes a Clan extralight engine, twelve double heat sinks and Clan weaponry: an ER PPC in the right arm and three ER medium lasers split between the torso, while the rear-center torso mounts an ER small laser. All of these weapons are tied to a Targeting Computer for superior accuracy. BV (2.0) = 1,941[15]

Apocryphal Variants[edit]

Apocryphal Content Starts

The information after this notice comes from apocryphal sources; the canonicity of such information is uncertain.
Please view the reference page for information regarding their canonicity.

These variants were introduced in various apocryphal sources, and thus far have not appeared in any canonical media.

From MechWarrior Online:

Wolf Trap House Speed Dating Site

  • WLF-GR Grinner
    Rather than a mixtech or purely Clantech design, MechWarrior Online's version of Phelan Ward's Grinner is an entirely Inner Sphere technology replication of the main features of the Wolfhound IIC - an IS grade ER Large Laser in the right arm is supported by four forward facing standard Medium Lasers - two in the center torso and one in each side torso. Carrying a IS standard Endo Steel frame and just ten IS double heat sinks free up weight to also mount a Guardian ECM Suite.[16]

Related Battlemechs[edit]

  • Wolf Trap - The Draconis Combine designed the medium Wolftrap specifically to counter the Wolfhound. It shares the Wolfhound's movement profile, but is far more reliant on ammunition-consuming weapons.

Notable Pilots[edit]

Famous individuals in the BattleTech universe who piloted Wolfhounds include:

  • Daniel Allard, who received one of the prototypes in 3028 after the destruction of his Valkyrie in 3027. Originally a stock WLF-1 model, it was later upgraded to WLF-2 standard and finally with Clan-tech weapons salvaged from the Battle of Luthien. Allard continued to pilot his Wolfhound even after rising to overall command of the Kell Hounds up until his death on Graceland in 3069 during combat against Clan Jade Falcon.
  • Phelan Kell, son of Morgan Kell, also piloted a Wolfhound, which he named 'Grinner', after his dog, while serving with the Hounds until it was destroyed before his capture by Clan Wolf in 3049. After being dissected and studied by Clan scientists, when Phelan was granted full warrior status Khan Ulric Kerensky authorized the reconstruction of his Wolfhound to become the aforementioned Wolfhound IIC variant.
  • Kommandant Tamara Duke, officer of the Stormhammers piloted a Wolfhound during his battles against Clan Jade Falcon until his death in battle in Skye, in 3134.[17].

Design Quirks[edit]

The Wolfhound has the following Design Quirks:[18]

The WLF-2H Wolfhound variant is subject of the following Design Quirks:[7]


In German products the unit's proper name was perfectly translated to Wolfshund. The model code was left unchanged.


  • Original WLF-1 Wolfhound from Wolf's Dragoons

  • Wolfhound from TRO:3039

  • WLF-2 Wolfhound from TRO:3050

  • Wolfhound from TRO:3050 Upgrade

  • WLF-5 Wolfhound from Technical Readout: 3085

  • Experimental WLF-2X Wolfhound from XTRO:Mercs

  • WLF-2 Wolfhound from CityTech, Second Edition

  • WLF-1 Wolfhound from BattlePack: Fourth Succession War

  • WLF-1 Wolfhound in combat from CCG

  • Model of Wolfhound from MW4:Mercenaries

  • Model of Wolfhound from MWO


  1. MUL online date for the Wolfhound
  2. Readout: 3050 Upgrade, p. 32-33
  3. Readout: 3039, p. 226-227
  4. Starterbook: Sword and Dragon, p.28
  5. Record Sheets: 3039 Unabridged, p. 388
  6. Record Sheets: 3039 Unabridged, p. 389
  7. 7.07.1Technical Readout: Prototypes, p. 105
  8. Experimental Technical Readout: Mercs, p. 3, 16
  9. 9.09.1Technical Readout: 3085, p. 68, 'WLF-5 Wolfhound'
  10. Record Sheets: 3085 Unabridged - The Cutting Edge, p. 101
  11. Record Sheets: Upgrades, p. 57
  12. Master Unit List: Battle Values, p. 169
  13. Starterbook: Wolf and Blake, pp. 28, 95.
  14. Technical Readout: 3085, p. 69, 'WLF-5 Wolfhound'
  15. Record Sheets: 3050 Unabridged (Inner Sphere), p.71
  16. MechWarrior Online Resistance Heroes Sale Page
  17. Blood of the Isle p. 277
  18. BattleMech Manual, p. 95 Design Quirk Table - Wolfhound Entry.


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